Yet more accolades for Gran Canaria’s wines

The wines of Gran Canaria are experiencing boom times and one producer is helping to lead the way. Bodegas Tunte has obtained three meritorious awards in the World Extreme Wine Competition held in Italy, with two Gold Medals for the Oro Blanco and Valara wines and one Silver for Berode, explained the Cabildo’s food councillor, Miguel Hidalgo. This contest is reserved for wines produced in mountain regions or from so-called heroic crops, that is, those grown on terraces or terrains with more than 30 per cent decline, an altitude greater than 500 metres or on small islands . The wines of Gran Canaria, therefore, fall within the requirements of this contest that aims to reward the structural difficulties faced by wine growers to produce wine and highlight the unique characteristics of these products. The wine sector of Gran Canaria is experiencing a prosperous moment due to the efforts of recent years and the increase of last year’s harvest of 160,000 kilos. This bonanza is reflected in the obtaining of outstanding prizes for its wines in international competitions thanks to its quality and the particularity that the climate, its varieties and the volcanic earth give it. With these three new awards, Bodegas Tunte counts on four medals after having obtained for Valara another Silver award at the Muscats du Monde Annual Wine Competition in France. And this year in particular it has been loaded with recognitions, with excellent results for its three wines that have been scored in the International Wine Challenge Contest, the Brussels World Contest, the Lyon International Competition, Bacchus Awards, Wines and Women, Alhóndiga, Agrocanarias and the Insular Tasting of Gran Canaria. The company treasures 29 distinctions to its wines after the process of innovation that began in 2015.  

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