Spain expects new tourism record but will work on quality

Spain expects to receive 30.4 million international tourists this summer, an increase of more than 2.3 per cent. Minister of Industry, Co-mmerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto announced the fore-casts for the months of July to September. This would constitute a new record of arrivals. Regarding spending, the Minister said it could exceed 34,000 million euros, repre-senting an estimated growth of more than 4.1 per cent. The data has been prepared from Turespaña information and the statistics provided by the FRONTUR and EGATUR surveys of the National Institute of Statistics. Reyes Maroto said Spain is still the second most visited country in the world and the first in tourism competi-tiveness. To this end and with the aim of improving this leadership, the Government is to activate a tourism policy strategy based on the concept of sustainability with a triple approach: eco-nomic, looking for a quality tourism; environmental, with an improvement of the environ-ment; and territorial, based on a rebalancing so that the wealth generated by tourism is distributed among all the territories and all the agents. She explained the first two measures have been taken from the Ministry within that strategy. In the first place, the constitution, in September, of a Network of Intelligent Tourist Destinations based on three concepts: innovation, sustainability and accessibility. The Network, the minister high-lighted, will work in local environments contributing in this way to cohesion, the exchange of good practices and the use of synergies between destinations. Secondly, the Minister emphasised the convening of the Tourism Sectoral Conference on July 18th, a dia-logue round table during which destinations will be able to present their problems, challenges and opportunities with the aim of working on a common strategy. At the meeting, two important elements will be addressed: the tourist regulations and the working condi-tions of workers in the sector, since, as the minister has pointed out, the data are positive in terms of the number of workers, but not in terms of working conditions.  

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