Granadilla invites sports grants

Granadilla council has opened the application period for grants to clubs, associations and individual athletes. The grants amount to 100,000 euros and can be applied for until August 21st. They are being co-ordinated through the Department of Sports, headed by Sara Cano Delgado. The aim is to contribute to the promotion of sport and those who perform their activity in Granadilla de Abona. Among the require-ments are to be registered in the municipal registry of neighbourhood associations prior to the date of the call. Sports federations and cor-porations, clubs and bene-ficiaries of nominative aid are excluded in this case. Sara Cano said Granadilla de Abona “is one of the administrations that spends the most money on sport in Tenerife; besides being the venue for numerous events of interna-tional, national and regional scope practically almost every weekend.” “This is a strong commitment from the area that directs any sport, because this economic support allows local groups and athletes to develop their work and tackle their projects, and an opportunity for Granadilla sport to advance,” she added  

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