Five month project to improve water supply network

Arona has extended to Cabo Blanco, Los Cristianos and Chayofa the replacement of the water supply network. The local council is continuing with its plan to modernise the municipal water supply network, which has decades of obsoles-cence, with new actions that will benefit the road to Roque Vento and the streets of San Fernando, Santa Isabel, Virgen de Guadalupe, El Morro, Camino Coris, Colada, El Horno, La Redonda, El Fisco, San Sebastian, Lavajo, Pheasant and Arboleda, in Cabo Blanco, as well as Amsterdam Avenue in Los Cristianos and Tiguanfaya de Chayofa Street. All this involves an in-vestment of more than 686,000 euros framed in the #Arona-Avanza programme. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, underlined that in recent months there have been more than 20 per-formances in different disricts, which has allowed to renew a “network that was obsolete, outdated and that did not conform to the needs “of the population of Arona. “With this investment we continue to renew the supply network of our municipality, which is not only obsolete and with outdated materials, many of them made of fibre cement, but also does not meet the real needs of the population and that cause, among others, loss of pressure,” he said. “In addition to all this, the network breaks down fre-quently, causing problems for residents. For this reason, with this package of works, which we will award in the coming weeks, we will resolve many inconveniences in a service that is fundamental and basic for residents and tourists,” “With each of these actions, we lay the foundations of the Arona of the future, with quality services that seek excellence”. The renovation and re-placement of the supply network will take five months.  

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