More police recruits for Los Realejos and Puerto de la Cruz
Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos are stepping up their security in a bid to present a message of reassurance and safety to local residents and visitors. The Police Station of the National Police of Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos presented 15 new agents who have joined its staff to strengthen the citizen security device prepared by the police station for the summer. Their training period will be one year and their fundamental functions will be that of street service and citizen service. The act was attended by the Mayor of the municipality of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez, councillor for security and institutional relations of Puerto, Pedro González, the Chief Commissioner, José Luis Rodríguez, and the Chief Inspector of the Police Station, Juan Carlos Piñero. The Chief Commissioner said he felt satisfied to be able to count on more agents who “will reinforce the presence in the streets”, given that the majority will be destined to “citizen security tasks”. José Luis Rodríguez stressed the “good objective security indexes” and the need to “also increase the security perceived by the citizen so that he sees more policemen in uniform on the street.” For the Mayor of the municipality of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez, the citizen has “the need to perceive security” and stressed how secure the municipalities of Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos are. However, it was still necessary to ensure the local police staton had the greatest number of staff possible and the best conditions. Sr. Gonzalez welcomed the new agents and wished them well with their training. Both municipalities, Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos, have experienced a decrease in crime figures, dropping by about ten per cent.
Car thieves sent haul through the inter-island parcel post
A criminal gang which moved from island to island within the Canaries to steal valuable items from cars even sent their haul through the parcel post, police have revealed. Two men, aged 45 and 48 and both of Spanish nationality, were arrested in Santa Cruz and a third person has appeared in court in connection with the ring. National police launched an investigation following a string of incidents in the city involving people breaking into parked cars. However, during the course of the investigation, it was learned that the people under suspicion had moved to Fuerteventura, which is why the investigation was extended to that island. From the investigations, it was concluded that several of the effects intervened had been stolen in Fuerteventura. “In the course of the proceedings, numerous postal packets coming from Fuerteventura to Tenerife were re-covered, since the criminals sent the stolen goods through parcels through couriers,” said a police spokesman, Finally, the alleged perpetrators of the events were identified and after the arrest of two of them and house searches, more than 100 electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, cameras), foreign currency in paper, credit cards and other effects were intervened.
Man drowns off Tamadite beach
A 47-year-old German man drowned in Tenerife after getting into trouble in the sea. The tragedy happened off the beach of Tamadite in the Anaga Rural Park district of Santa Cruz. The emergency and salvage group with the rescue helicopter, Canary Emer-gency Service, Maritime Rescue and National Police all went to the scene. “The 112 control centre received an alert in which it was reported that a man was in trouble on the afore-mentioned beach and could not get out of the water,” said a spokesman. “The GES helicopter, in collaboration with the Red Cross vessel mobilised by Maritime Res-cue, located and rescued the patient who was in car-diorespiratory arrest. Once inside the aircraft, the GES rescuers carried out basic cardiopulmonary resu-scitation maneuvers until the arrival of the helicopter at the Tenerife North Airport.” “There, a medical am-bulance from the SUC was waiting, whose staff certified his death.”
International jewellery thieves caught in Spain and Romania
The Civil Guard has dismantled an organisation which specialised in robberies with force in jewellery shops throughout the European Union. Operation KALAX II has concluded for the time being with the arrest of five people – three of them in Lanzarote and one in Barcelona – and another in Constanza (Romania), the result of one of the European arrest warrants issued. They are accused of crimes of theft with force and integration into an international criminal organisation. Some of the effects stolen on the island of Lanzarote and in Romania have been recovered. In December last year, there was a robbery with force in one of the jewellery stores of a well-known business group in Lanzarote by means of the smash and grab method in which a large quantity of watches and high-end pieces were stolen, valued at 540,000 euros. As a result of this robbery, the Civil Guard began an investigation called Kalax I. In June, there was another burglary in a second jewellery store using the same method. On this occasion, the thieves got away with a haul worth 4.7 million euros in various pieces of jewellery, diamantería and high-end watches. Police connected the two incidents with another robbery committed on March 24th in the municipality of Tias (Lanzarote), this time taking jewellery and watches valued at about 40,000 euros. “This criminal organisation, made up of people of Romanian nationality, specialises in the commission of this type of event and was made up of highly trained professionals, who distribute specific tasks for the perpetration of large-scale robberies, preferably in jewellery shops. It has been found that they tend to act throughout the territory of the European Union, not ruling out their relationship with similar events in other countries,” said a police spokesman. During the investigation, the Civil Guard found out that some of the members of the criminal organisation intended to take several flights to leave the island, thus precipitating the arrest of three in Lanzarote and one in Barcelona. Large quantities of the stolen jewellery were found during six raids in Romania. The investigators found that some members of this criminal organisation had already been arrested years ago in other European countries such as Germany and Italy. In this last country they were nicknamed as “La banda del Buco” (the band of the hole), for a robbery that perpetrated in the city of Alessandria (Italy) of the same characteristics as that committed in Lanzarote.
German woman dies in crash
A German woman has been killed after her bicycle was involved in a collision with a lorry in Lanzarote. The accident happened in Costa Teguise just before 8.40pm. The 112 emergency service was told that a cyclist was in cardiorespiratory arrest as a result of the crash. The victim was aged 57. Medics tried all measures to save her life but without success.
Promises for Puerto but when can we expect firm dates?
I have no plan for this month, that is to say I have no topic, not a major one anyway, so I’m afraid it will have to be a case of just start writing and see where it takes me. I’ll start on a positive note for a change, a first for me I’m sure, just don’t get used to it, sometimes even I am obliged to give credit where it’s due. I don’t know why it is, I find it difficult writing praise, whereas having a good old moan flows easily from my two finger tips, typing isn’t my strongpoint, but anyway here goes: There is a project underway in Puerto de la Cruz to update all the street lighting. It is a long term project, over a few years, yet it must be quite advanced as I read that they have already changed 2000 lights. No mean feat when you think that the mainstays of the workforce are just two men and a blue and white cherry picker. Yes, you heard me right just two men, not three or four, plus a couple of lookers-on and a foreman to boot, because these men are not council employees, they are contractors, which is why I am happy to sing their praises. However, perhaps I am being a little economical with the truth, when working in a street with low level lights they have a team to back them up, but for high level lights, it’s back to just the two of them, and shock horror, stands back in amazement, they even work after lunch. The plan is to change all the lights to LED, or where that is not practical to take them off the grid by going solar powered. The cost savings to date, on the 2000 already changed is reported as 60%, on energy saving alone, I guess that is , not taking into account the cost of conversion. If I was to be just a little critical, believe me I am trying my best not to be, it is concerning their rollout plan, which seems to me, plain old Mr. Joe Public, an innocent and naive bystander, to be at best a bit erratic. They changed one street in the Guacimara district a couple of months ago and haven’t been back since. Maybe, however, their work plan is driven by the availability of parts and streets are changed as a when these become available; if so then I am guilty of doing them an injustice. My street, a sleepy dead end backwater which surely should have been low priority, has recently been changed. For some reason we have those high level lights, the ones that look more at home on major roads and motorways. However, unlike similar ones on the main road, we had not gone LED, the bulbs haven’t been changed, but we have been converted to solar power. Not a problem for me at all, in fact quite the opposite, as the continuous loud buzzing from the light nearest to me, a problem which despite much scratching of heads of the council employees on numerous occasions was never resolved , is now silent, what bliss. That’s it, there is only so much of interest to say about LED and solar power and changing light bulbs, besides which I have been almost nice for far too long, I have a reputation to uphold you know, time to move on. It had all been very quiet on the news front with regard to pending projects. It couldn’t last; not with next year’s elections creeping up on them and the need to make an announcement ahead of their summer holiday. So 2 weeks ago now, by the time you read this, a series of press releases and social media statements with regards to three of the most major projects in Puerto de la Cruz. Some good news, some quite bad and some that make promises without committing themselves to a timeline. Let’s take the plunge and dive straight into the deep end. No, not the swimming pool, though that would have made a good intro, more on that project in a mo. I am talking about the Muelle , a project where all involved have been wading through red tape for years , who having thought they were nearly there, were just waiting for the final nod from Costas,( they who should be blamed for all delays regardless of whose fault it is) who have just thrown the most gi-normous spanner in the works. Yes, this is the bad news. The project with Cos-tas agreement, or so they thought, had been split in two, with the Seaward project, construction of the port as phase one and the Landside project, all the commercial buildings as phase two. The plan was to concentrate on phase one and leave phase two on the back burner. The rationale being, I’m sure, though they would never admit it, it is going to take so long to complete the port itself, phase two would never happen, at least not within their political lifetime. Now Costas has moved the goalposts, perhaps everything is not so cosy in Madrid since the change of government, and they want all the planning and more importantly the environ-mental impact reports for phase two before phase one can proceed any further. So is it back to the drawing board or time to […]
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La Orotava saves lighting energy equivalent to 200 homes
La Orotava is committed to a 100 per cent clean energy consumption and is continuing to take measures to help the environment. The concessionaire company, Effico, will invest more than 1.2 million euros in the improvement and sanitation of public lighting. One of the requirements given the highest priority when awarding the maintenance service for public lighting again was its contribution to a sustainable municipality, said services councillor, Felipe David Benítez. Therefore, in this new contract, for four years and with the possibility of extending two more, it is planned to invest more than 1,255,000 euros in the improvement of the public lighting network, which is added to the annual maintenance amounting to 1,246,443 euros. “For years, work has been done on the modernisation process to reduce consumption and expense of the bill and among other things there has been a progressive renovation of mercury and sodium vapor lamps to avoid light pollution,” the council has explained. “More than 2,000 new lights of latest technology LED in different municipal depen-dencies, schools, streets and squares of the municipality have been installed.” The new equipment is managed by remote control from a computer terminal and this also allows controlling operations such as the reduction in the level of lighting in those sections and times in which it is feasible. Other actions within the contract are the renovation of the lampposts of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Likewise, the maintenance of photovoltaic and wind turbine insta-llations, sealing of manholes to avoid the theft of cables, maintenance of all traffic lights and generator sets and so on. In the last three years of management of public lighting, also through Effico, more than 2,000 breakdowns have been resolved, 2,300 repairs were carried out, 2,218 maintenance and cleaning actions and 900 new electronic equipment of the latest technology was installed to improve energy efficiency. All this has meant an annual saving of 318,726 Kwh, equi-valent to about 200 homes. In the new contract, the objective is to overcome these figures, reducing consumption, with greater energy efficiency, thus improving the lighting of La Orotava. The council is also aiming to reduce light pollution to comply with the Canary Sky Protection Law. Likewise, local residents are being urged to think about their power consumption and caring for the environment.
Putting Las Vistas in the shade
A huge “sunshade” verandah is being constructed at Las Vistas beach in Los Cristianos. A stainless steel pergola of 480 metres has been commissioned by the Depart-ment of Works and Infra-structures of Arona council at a cost of 121,400 euros. The initiative will allow this coastal area to have “a large shadow” located in the space where the assisted bathing service is provided and will be available for those with reduced mobility or allergic to the sun who want to enjoy the beach. “With this initiative we complement the services we offer in this coastal area, one of the most accessible beaches in Europe and which has become a benchmark for both residents and visitors with functional diversity,” says the Mayor, José Julián Mena. “In addition, this initiative will help people with skin problems or allergies to the sun to enjoy the beach and the benefits of sea water.” The Mayor also stressed: “This local government is committed to accessibility, as well as a municipality with adapted public spaces that everyone can enjoy”.
More than 210 artisans to take part in Pinolere regional fair of handicrafts
The Pinolere Regional Fair of Handicrafts in La Orotava will have 210 artisans from all over the archipelago. The traditional show, which is in its 30th edition, will be held between August 31st and September 2nd in the Pinolere ethnographic park. This year, it will be de-dicated to traditional cos-tumes although over tgbe three days, you can enjoy the art of multiple artisans, various disciplines and traditional trades. La Orotava council recently presented the official poster, the work of the local photo-grapher and person closely linked to the fair, Yapci Gomez Lima. The artist used the women embroiderers of La Orotava as his inspiration, portraying aged hands to reflect the generations that have dedicated them-selves to embroider the typical costumes. Gomez Lima stressed the importance of conserving and enhancing the use of traditional clothing and the need to keep traditional crafts alive. During the presentation ceremony attended by the Mayor Francisco Linares; councillor for local economic development, Efraín Medina, and the manager of the Pinolere Cultural Association, Jesús García, details were given of the broad programme of events that will take place during the three days of the fair, during which it is expected to receive more than 30,000 people . On this occasion there are a total of 210 artisans, 60 per cent from Tenerife and the remaining 40 per cent from the rest of the islands of the archipelago. There is a waiting list of some 30 more craftsmen but due to the conditions of the space the number cannot be increased. This year the Fair is dedicated to traditional costumes, so the motto of the show is ‘stitches with thread’. In addition, tribute will be paid to the town of Sabinosa in El Hierro, so there will be activities and traditional elements hand in hand with the residents of this town. Visitors can enjoy important musical performances that will set the scene. The Los Gofio-nes group, Premio Canarias, will put the finishing touch on the closing of the fair as a tribute to the artisans. The Calicanto group from Lan-zarote will also act, consisting of a score of women. And there will be the Folkloric Associ-ation Sabinosa, the oldest in the Canary Islands. Throughout the weekend, many other attractive activities will be offered to all the public, such as craft workshops. And no less relevant will be the exhibitions of traditional costumes, which are worked from the Pinolere Cultural Association in coordination with the Sectoral Council of the traditional clothing of Tenerife. Sr. Linares stressed the fair is an important showcase for artisans to market their products and a great oppor-tunity for all those who are dedicated, with much sa-crifice, to ancient crafts. He highlighted the involvement of the three public adminis-trations – the Government of the Canary Islands, Tenerife Ca-bildo and La Orotava council – and the fundamental support of private companies.
Caves to open as tourist attraction
The Cabildo of Fuerteventura will carry out conditioning work in the Cueva del Llano de Villaverde prior to its opening as a tourist attraction. The project involves the cleaning, geolocation, bricking and surveying of the cave, among other actions. According to heritage councillor Juan Jiménez: “This place is a marvel that must be taken care of and protected, so that, in a short time it can be visited and admired.” The General Director of Cultural Heritage of the Government of the Canary Islands, Miguel Ángel Clavijo, recently met with the president of the Cabildo, Marcial Morales, Sr. Jiménez and the Mayor of La Oliva to talk about advancing the project.
Hugh Salvin and Simon Bolivar “The liberator” of South América
On 5th January 1824 HMS ‘Cambridge’, under the command of Captain Thomas Maling, set sail from England for South America to take four British Consuls, their families and their staff, to the newly independent republics of Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Peru. The ship’s chaplain was Reverend Hugh Salvin, who later became vicar of the church in the town where I live. Reverend Salvin kept a journal of the three-year long voyage that he published in 1829, entitled ‘Journal Written on Board of His Majesty’s Ship Cambridge, from January 1824 – May 1827’. HMS ‘Cambridge’ called in at Santa Cruz de Tenerife in January 1824 to take on water and fresh supplies before sailing on to South America. After landing at Rio de Janeiro in Argentina, Montevideo in Uruguay and Valparaiso in Chile, the ‘Cambridge’ arrived off the coast of Peru in early June. Peru at that time was the last of the nine Spanish colonies in South America where the revolution was still ongoing. The revolutionaries, known as the ‘Patriots’ had succeeded everywhere else, but Peru, with its silver, gold and nickel mines, was the jewel in the crown as far as Spain was concerned, so government, or ‘Royalist’, resistance could be expected to be stronger. Reverend Salvin described in his journal the events of the war of independence. On landing at Callao, the port for Lima, the capital, he wrote, “We are told that the Royalist and Patriot armies are at a great distance from each other; Bolivar, the Colombian general, being at Truxillo: and Canterac, the commander of the Royalist forces, marching in pursuit”. But soon there was alarm among the Royalists in Lima when it was heard that Bolivar was about 150 miles (225km) from the city with an army of 5,000 Colombians and 6,000 Peruvians. Spanish authority was weak, the government controlled only a few miles around Lima, all agriculture and trade was at a standstill except in the immediate neighbourhood. Wealthy people began to bring their possessions to the fort of Callao for security. Three ships of the Peruvian navy, commanded by an Englishman, Admiral Guise, who had declared a blockade on the whole coast, came into the harbour of Callao to enforce it. There followed several weeks of inconsequential skirmishes at sea with Spanish ships. After watching one incident, Hugh Salvin wrote that “the firing formed a very amusing sight from our ship.” The sympathies of the British were with the Patriots but they were obliged to maintain a neutral stance, so on 10th August Captain Maling of the ‘Cambridge’ dined with General Rodil, who had been welcomed on board with an eleven-gun salute. General Rodil was the Spanish governor of Lima and its port of Callao, in Hugh Salvin’s position of ship’s chaplain, he was able to speak to him on occasions. Word then arrived that Bolivar ‘the Liberator’ would shortly be at Lima. Rodil tightened his control over his troops, and to stiffen morale he had two men shot simply for saying in public that the Patriots would soon be there. This was followed up with news that Bolivar’s advanced guard had surprised Royalist General Canterac on the 17th August and was now in full pursuit. Rodil immediately ordered all Spanish troops in Lima to march north to meet Bolivar and sent a request to Captain Maling to allow 100 marines to go to Lima to protect the property of English merchants. The increasing insecurity led to a large quantity of silver and gold being brought on board the ‘Cambridge’ to be held in trust with the British, while most of the ladies of Lima retired to a convent for protection against Bolivar’s army. There followed more naval action off Callao, albeit intermittently, then on 25th October the ‘Cambridge’ left the port and sailed north to anchor off the River Chancay, thirty-five miles away. Here Bolivar sent an aide-de-camp who came on board to dine. The ‘Cambridge’ returned to Callao to learn that on the 3rd November a fierce battle had taken place between the Patriots and the Royalists not far from Callao. The Patriots this time had been over confident; they had not reconnoitred the terrain and so had been defeated by a Spanish cavalry charge. Reverend Salvin walked over the battlefield where bodies of the Patriot dead had been left in the open to be eaten by dogs and buzzards. He noticed some very small corpses and was told that it was usual for boys of ten or twelve to be taken on as soldiers. The ‘Cambridge’ was back at Chancay on 5th November, when visits were exchanged between Captain Mailing and ‘The Liberator’ himself. Bolivar came on board ship to “all possible demon-strations of respect”, a seventeen-gun salute was fired and the yards were manned. Bolivar was shown around the ship and given lunch with a small party that included Hugh Salvin, who described Bolivar as about 5’8″ (1.73m), swarthy complexion, a little bald at the front, hair black with a little grey, large mustachios that were also grey, and dark hazel eyes. He also noted “his body and limbs (are) small and meagre” and “his whole figure and face are those of a man worn out with care and fatigue”. Twelve days later, Bolivar again came on board with his staff officers. Another seventeen-gun salute was fired, the yards were manned and all flags were flown. They dined again […]
Important improvements to key area of Los Cristianos
Arona council is preparing for the new central lighting of avenida Chayofita in Los Cristianos. All 25 lights are LEDs of low consumption and are part of the restructuring of this area, which has included modifications to the circulation, replacement of the existing footbridges with a new, totally accessible one and the lighting of the annexed areas, im-proving visibility and safety. Converted into one of the main communication arteries of Arona, avenida Chayofita in Los Cristianos supports a significant daily traffic density, as well as housing different educational and sports centres, used by thousands of people. However, until now it did not have a central lighting system that would improve the visibility of drivers and reinforce safety, two of the objectives that are sought with this action, which falls within the reform of this area, one of the main showcases of Los Cristianos, which has been undertaken in recent months. “In this way, in addition to the installation of public lighting in the adjoining areas, a rearrangement of the traffic has been carried out which has notably reduced the queues on the avenue, the dismantling of the two existing footbridges has been carried out by a new totally accessible one and the green areas have been renovated,” said a council spokesman. Specifically, this new action consists of the assembly of 25 points of light with two luminaries each, equipped with LED technology of 106 watts each, all with an investment of 101,793 euros and generating significant annual energy savings. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, explained the importance of “undertaking, step by step, the transformation of avenida Chayofita which is not only an important means of communication but a great showcase for Los Cristianos and a public space through which thousands of people pass every day to go to educational and sports centres.” Deputy mayor and councillor for the environment and infrastructure, José Luis Gómez, said that “despite the importance of this route, the reality is that in recent years it presented a situation of deterioration. We had to revert to improve the security, visibility and also the aesthetic aspect of Los Cristianos, all of which results in an improvement in the quality of life.”
Once is looking for a home
If you like a challenge and really want to see a beautiful dog recover and improve then this could be the dog for you. This Gentle Giant called Once Once is in need of a cataract operation on his eyes. He is 5 years old and a gorgeous Presa Canaria. Do you think you could help him? If you would like to adopt Once please contact Rachel on 629 031 273. Or visit the refuge direct. Tierra Blanca is located just off the TF1 motorway, about half way between Las Americas and Santa Cruz, by the restaurant Los Chasneros, just 200m above the motorway. They do not ask for adoption fees, only a donation of food and photos to let them know how the dog is getting on in his/her new home.
Visitors want “Sea Market” to become year-round event
San Juan de la Rambla council has brought the delights of the municipality and the ocean direct to local people and visitors in an unusual way. The local council’s tourism department recently staged the first “Mercado del Mar” or “Sea Market” to spotlight on the biodiversity of this area of the Tenerife coast which has warranted status as a special area of conservation. So much so, in fact, that it has been included in the Natura 2000 Network since September 2011 thanks to its unique natural species and habitats. From 11am in the morning until after 5pm in the afternoon, the hundreds of visitors who visited the coast of Las Aguas enjoyed 20 stalls in the main avenue, with samples of the flora and fauna which lives in the sea. These creatures include the loggerhead turtle, a species in extinction in Europe, the Canarian lobster, giant anemones, leather sponges, reefs and submerged caves of scientific interest. The market also exhibited products from the garden through agroecological techni-ques. Art was represented by local artisans, who exhibited their creations, from raffia, openwork and decorative items to jewellery and acce-ssories in polymer clay. “The coast of San Juan de la Rambla has a wealth that in many cases remains unknown to residents. This type of action allows us to bring to light all the municipality possesses. The tourists who attended congratulated us for the initiative encouraging us to make it permanent during the year,” said tourism councillor Cayetano Silva.
The story of women’s basketball told in new exhibition
An unusual exhibition in La Laguna is paying homage to the historical evolution of women’s basketball from its origins to our times. “La Casa de Los Capitanes” is hosting “1893 – From Northampton to Tenerife” until September 29th to coincide with the last days of competition of the 2018 Women’s Basketball World Cup. The president of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), Jorge Garbajosa, and the Mayor of La Laguna, José Alberto Díaz, starred in the opening ceremony of the exhibition. It is one of more than 50 complementary activities that the FEB together with the collaborating institutions has organised on the occasion of the World Cup in Tenerife from September 22nd to 30th. The exhibition narrates the struggle of women from different countries and back-grounds to put basketball on the world map. “This show is important for us because we understand basketball not only as a sport but as something educational, playful and familiar and this exhibition is a compendium of the three things,” said Sr. Garbajosa. The exhibition is composed of different information panels, as well as a dozen thematic stations, where visitors can see objects related to the history of both women’s basketball and the evolution of the Spanish women’s team. Also, different videos with interviews and reports with protagonists of this evolution will be screened. Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 10am to noon and from 5pm to 7pm; and on Saturdays, from 10am to 2pm. On March 22, 1893 at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, the first women’s basketball game in history was played, a story that continues to this day.
Burglar caught in the act
A burglar was caught in the act as he tried to flee the scene of his crime in Garafía on Gran Canaria. Sharp-eyed local residents spotted the man and called the police. The 33-year-old suspect was found with 34,000 euros and various jewellery. He had gained access to the property through the front door which had apparently been left open. A patrol car happened to be in the area when the alert was raised and saw the man leaving in his car. The stolen effects were returned to their owner.
Spain to get tough over social security fraud
Spain’s social security and labour inspectorate have pledged to intensify the fight against fraud. The General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) and the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (ITSS) have formally resumed cooperation by signing an agreement between the two entities focused on making the fight against Social Security fraud more effective. The campaign will be looking at companies that make successive registrations and withdrawals to Social Security of the same worker to verify whether or not there is a declaration for vacation accrued and not paid; societies that present anomalies in the declaration of overtime and those that abuse temporary and biased hiring of workers without organisational conditions or production characteristics that justify it. The TGSS will also be alert to companies that successively register and dismiss the same worker during vacation periods. The Supreme Court has already ruled in favour of maintaining the registration of teachers in Social Security in the holiday period. In the case of overtime, the ITSS will act in the case of companies that communicate contribution bases and number of hours with an anomalous relationship. Another of the novel aspects is the attention to abnormally high rates of temporality and bias. The ITSS will verify that the obligations of registration and listing in sectors and companies that differ from the average data of similar companies in the same sector are correctly fulfilled. The Plan maintains vigilance regarding the derivation of debt liability, improper filing, insolvent debtor companies with activity, fictitious companies and fraudulent registrations.
Cabildo invites entries for sustainable tourism competitions
The island’s Cabildo, through Turismo de Tenerife, has launched a new edition of the ‘Contest of Good Practices in Tourism Sustainability’, aimed at the business and public sector. Entries are also invited for a second competition of the most sustainable tourism in which people can contribute their ideas related to tourism management more respectful of the environment. The deadline for submitting proposals to both competitions will remain open until next October 14th and the rules and conditions of participation can be consulted at the following address: https: // Tourism councillor, Alberto Bernabé said: “The objective is to promote sustainable tourism, promote cooperation in the sector, make visible actions respectful with the environment and involve the public in its management.” This edition also comes with new features since, on this occasion, the rules are strictly linked to the sustainable development goals. The so-called Agenda2030, agreed by the international community, has 17 objectives that include everything from the elimination of poverty to the fight against climate change, education, women’s equality, the defence of the environment or the design of our cities. “Tourism of Tenerife has prioritised those objectives which have a direct link with the tourism sector, those related to the sustainable management of water, the economy, employment, ocea-ns, seas and marine resources or terrestrial ecosystems,” he explained. In this new edition, creativity and innovation will also be scored, as well as technical and organisational feasibility and economic viability. Likewise, the inclusion in the projects of the measurement and compensation of the carbon footprint will be positively valued. All the proposals will be evaluated by a jury of experts and, in the case of the contest directed to the population, will also be submitted to the popular vote. The professional com-petition will include four different categories so that the entire sector that represents and each participant compete under equal conditions. These are: good sustainable practice in local administrations, better product or sustainable services in the nature tourism sector, good sustainable practice in tourist accommodation (hotel and non-hotel) and best sustainable tourism practice.
Can you help Cats Welfare Tenerife?
We at Cats Welfare are looking for volunteers to help with trapping and transporting of cats/kittens. You will need lots of patience and should have transport but your expenses will be paid. Please contact us if you would like to help. Do you live in the UK but would like to adopt one of our lovely cats? Do you have to move back to the UK and are worried how to move your cat? Now it is easier and less expensive than you might think! Do contact us for details. Did you know you are breaking the law if your pet cat doesn’t have a microchip. Most people know that it’s the law for dogs to have microchips but its ALSO the law for cats. Along with a collar and tag its the best way to get your pet back if they were to go missing. We have lots of adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone’s sofa today. Please contact us on Facebook or via our website or ring/whatsapp Marie (English) on 646629129 seven days a week 09.00-18.00 or Sandra (Spanish and German) after 18.00 on 671282773.We are sure there is a perfect one for you. All cats are adopted with a week’s trial in your home.
Santiago del Teide starts one million euro street resurfacing plan
Santiago del Teide council has recently awarded the work to carry out a complete Municipal Asphalting Plan which will begin shortly. The aim is to rehabilitate the paving of different streets as well as to carry out numerous interventions to correct the problems with runoff and drainage of water. For this, the council is going to allocate an amount superior to one million euros to replace the surfaces of numerous streets of the municipality that are in bad state. Because of the number of roads which will be tacked, the project will be carried out in phases. Therefore, in order to improve the comfort and safety conditions of road users, asphalting works will be carried out in the streets of Arguayo, specifically, on Calle Candelaria; Las Loceras Street; Calle el Carmen; Calle el Cercado; San Luis Street; San Agustín Street; Horno de las Loceras Street; San Felipe Street; San Isidro Street, as well as Piedra Gorda Street and in the location of the Water Deposit and in Las Manchas, intervening in San Isidro Street; Los Laureles Street and Bilma Street. As for the Valle de Arriba, the aforementioned paving plan includes San Fernando Street and the Camino Real as part of its execution plan, while in El Molledo it will be carried out in Calle Los Almendros, Calle la Calzada and Calle El Porvenir. The Retamar, will also constitute one of the phases of the asphalting plan, performing asphalt works on Los Angeles Street and San Juan Street. Finally, Tamaimo’s nucleus will host said action plan and will do so at Calle La Cerca, while in the case of La Caldera, it will be executed at Calle La Caldera and Calle Tajinaste. Regarding the actions that will be carried out within the asphalt plan, the work process will begin with the structural rehabilitation of the deteriora-ted areas through the elimi-nation of the materials that make up the surface and its replacement. Once this has been carried out, the existing cracks will be sealed and the surface drainage elements will be rehabilitated.
New petanque track
Santiago del Teide has recently opened a petanque play area in Puerto de Santiago and more specifically in the area of La Vigilia. The council initiative has been carried out by the local council with the purpose of influencing and encouraging the entertainment and enjoyment of residents. Petanque is a traditional game that has been practised since ancient times because of the numerous benefits it has and especially for the older population, given that it is a game where strategy and concentration are vital.
Spain agrees blue flashing lights for all emergency services
All priority vehicles in emergency service will carry blue lights in the future, Spain has announced. In addition to police vehicles, they will be carried by firefighting vehicles, health care and civil-life protection. A period of two years is allowed for the holders of the affected vehicles to change from yellow to blue. With this change, Spain complies with the existing regulations in most of the States of the European Union. Until the publication of this reform, the blue light device was restricted to the exclusive use of police vehicles and yellow for the other priority vehicles: fire extinguishing, civil protection-rescue and health care. This yellow auto light device is also carried by slow vehicles, which are the ones that constitute an obstacle in the road due to being stopped or parked or driving at a low speed while performing a service or work on the road. “This situation generated some confusion among the rest of the road users by not clearly identifying the vehicles for firefighting, health care and civil protection-salvage as priority vehicles in emergency service that also have priority in passing,” said a spokesman for Spain’s driving directorate. In this way, the blue rotaries are reserved for the light signal of all the priority vehicles in emergency services and the yellow car for the vehicles that constitute an obstacle in the road, which contributes to improving safe mobility.
New blue parking zone for San Miguel de Abona
Tenerife Cabildo is preparing for the new blue parking zone in the municipality of San Miguel de Abona. Local councillor, Efraín Medina said this action will allow the supply and installation of vertical signage and of the hourly parking meters in San Miguel de Abona, as well as the execution of several road-works, with the aim of transforming a total of 46 existing parking spaces into controlled parking. The work will also include vertical and horizontal signage accordingly, as well as park-ing for people with disa-bilities. “With this action it is not intended to create new parking areas, but the idea is to signal in blue those 46 existing places, located in five areas of the centre of San Miguel (TF-28), from the crossing with calle Alfonso Mejíashasta to the crossing with calle Las Morales, in which the parking time will be limited by the installation of three independent parking meters, fed with solar energy,” she explained. The establishment of these measures of limited parking will favour the rotation of the car park and a greater fluidity and, with this, an increase in activity of the San Miguel open zone, she added. The projecct, whose budget amounts to 22,791 euros, will be financed by the Cabildo, which contributes 13,025 euros, and by San Miguel de Abona council, which allo-cates the remaining 9,765 euros. The work has a dead-line of three months. The ultimate goal is to enhance the image of the municipality and provide an aesthetic appropriate to the environment of this commer-cial urban space, the engine of the economy.
Fugitive with Tenerife link caught in Senegal
The National Police have arrested the fugitive Guillermo Fernández Bueno, whose last known address was in Tenerife, in Senegal. He was spotted trying to cross the border post of Karang using the identity of another person. The operation was carried out with the collaboration of the Interior Attaché of the Embassy of Spain in Senegal and the Senegalese Police. Bueno was wanted after he failed to return to prison after a seven-day leave in Cantabria where he was serving a sentence for two crimes of sexual assault and one crime of murder. A police spokesman said they suspected his partner was involved in his disappearance and they discovered that she too had left Spain in the direction of Tangier. Later, it was confirmed she was moving from Morocco to Mauritania and, two days later, on to Senegal. In all parts of her journey, she was accompanied by a man who had similar physical characteristics to Bueno but using different identity papers. Extradition proceedings have already started.
Child and man hurt in quad accident
Two people, including a young child, received moderate injuries in a quad accident in Tenerife. It happened on forest track TF-373 in San José de Los Llanos in the municipality of El Tanque. The 112 emergency control centre said a man suffered various traumas of a moderate nature and was taken to hospital. Also hurt was a seven-year-old girl who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents a moderate pelvic trauma. She was flown to hospital in the emergency helicopter.
Young weightlifter gains further success
A young weightlifter has reinforced her position as absolute champion of Spain. Atenery Hernández snatched success in A Coruña (Galicia) where she gained success in the the category of -53 kg. This was her final participation in this class as she now goes up to the category of -55 kg. The mayor of La Laguna, José Alberto Díaz said: “This new victory demonstrates the value of work and its ability to excel.” He also stressed that “La Laguna is the cradle of weightlifting in the Canary Islands.” La Laguna council provides support for the Regional Weightlifting Centre which has become a centre of reference and quarry of weightlifters. In 2017, Atenery won two silver and one bronze medals in the category -53 kilos at the European Weightlifting Championships. She also became European U23 champion in her modality.
Granadilla invites sports grants
Granadilla council has opened the application period for grants to clubs, associations and individual athletes. The grants amount to 100,000 euros and can be applied for until August 21st. They are being co-ordinated through the Department of Sports, headed by Sara Cano Delgado. The aim is to contribute to the promotion of sport and those who perform their activity in Granadilla de Abona. Among the require-ments are to be registered in the municipal registry of neighbourhood associations prior to the date of the call. Sports federations and cor-porations, clubs and bene-ficiaries of nominative aid are excluded in this case. Sara Cano said Granadilla de Abona “is one of the administrations that spends the most money on sport in Tenerife; besides being the venue for numerous events of interna-tional, national and regional scope practically almost every weekend.” “This is a strong commitment from the area that directs any sport, because this economic support allows local groups and athletes to develop their work and tackle their projects, and an opportunity for Granadilla sport to advance,” she added
Tourism figures show UK spending is up in Spain
Spain received 8.5 million international tourists during the month of June, which represents an increase of 1.3 per cent compared to the same month of 2017, and their expenditure was 9,395 million euros, 4.5 per cent more. The data follows surveys of Tourist Movements in Border (FRONTUR) and Tourist Expenditure (EGATUR) prepared by the National Institute of Statistics. The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has welcomed the figures which consolidate Spain in a leading position, especially due to the competitiveness of the destination. In the first six months of 2018, more than 37 million tourists (1.8 per cent more) visited the country, spending 38.944 million euros, which represents an increase of 4.2 per cent. The average daily expenditure of tourists grows by 6.2 per cent, standing at 152 euros. Among the main emitting markets, the United Kingdom stands out, with about 2.2 million tourists, Germany, with more than 1.2 million tourists and France, with 902,620 tourists and a growth of 5.3 per cent. The most dynamic markets were the Netherlands, Russia and the United States with tourist increases of over eleven per cent compared to the previous year. By national destinations, the Balearic Islands was the main autonomous community, with more than 2.1 million international visitors, which represents an increase of 0.9 per cent compared to June last year. It is followed by Catalonia, with close to 2.1 million and a rise of 3.2 per cent; and Andalusia, with almost 1.2 million and an annual increase of 0.3 per cent. The autonomous communities of main destination with the highest expenditure in the month of June are Catalonia (with 2,402 million euros, up 13.6 per cent), the Balearic Islands (with 2,147 million and an increase of 0.7 per cent) and Andalusia (with 1,288 million, decreases by 2.8 per cent). As for the issuing countries, the United Kingdom has the highest cumulative expenditure with 2,033 million euros (+ 5.2 per cent). The UK is followed by Germany, with 1,233 million (-12.3 per cent) and France with 612 million (+ 14.6%).
Kitesurfer injured in El Médano
A 49-year-old Frenchman was injured in a kitesurfing accident on a beach in Tenerife. Medics said he suffered head and shoulder trauma of a less serious nature in the incident in El Médano, Granadilla de Abona The Canary Emergency Service, beach rescue service, local police and firefighters all attended. The 12 control centre had received an alert in which it was reported that a kitesurfer was injured after suffering an accident while practising this sport on the beach. “The injured man was helped by the beach rescue service and evacuated by firemen to the area which the ambulance of the SUC could access,” said a spokesman. “The staff of the medical ambulance stabilised the kitesurfer, who had several traumatisms of a moderate nature, and transferred him to a hospital centre.”
Puerto to host new RollFestival with films linked to extreme sports
RollFestival will turn Puerto de la Cruz into the “capital” of extreme sports in September. This international event wants to become a platform for the dissemination of all audiovisual creation linked to extreme sports. The festival will take place on September 7th and 8th at Playa de Martiánez and will distribute important cash prizes. “The new Extreme Sports Audiovisual Festival of Puerto de la Cruz, ‘RollFestival’, reaches the tourist city with a clear objective: to provide the Canary Islands with an audiovisual works exhibition platform related to extreme sports, risk and adventure,” said one of the organisers. “It will have the participation of some of the most important national and international athletes.” Along with the screening of films in different formats, complementary activities such as live music, tastings of international meals, exhibitions and activities for all audiences will be carried out, which will turn Puerto de la Cruz into the ‘capital’ of extreme sports. The streets, squares and public spaces of the Martiánez area will become the natural scenes of this international event, enhancing the environmental character as one of its fundamental purposes. In the words of the organisation, the festival aims to be “a platform for the dissemination of all audiovisual creation linked to risky and extreme sports; skydiving, bungee jumping, parkour, mountaineering, abseiling, paragliding, rafting, surfing, skateboarding, wingsuiting, kitesurfing and any type of sport that requires a large dose of adrenaline.” “This will be a unique opportunity to enjoy an international film festival, where extreme sports, leisure, adventure and strong emo-tions will meet in an in-comparable setting,” said sports councillor, Javier González. Tourism councillor, Dimple Melwani, valued the Roll-Festival as an opportunity to “promote Puerto de la Cruz from a unique tourist setting, the Playa de Martiánez and Avda. De Colón, from another facet, the audiovisual where the binomial of tourism and sports are once again protagonists, in line with the tourist positioning we are developing.” To consult the rules for the competition element, visit the festival website ( or any of its social networks.
Five month project to improve water supply network
Arona has extended to Cabo Blanco, Los Cristianos and Chayofa the replacement of the water supply network. The local council is continuing with its plan to modernise the municipal water supply network, which has decades of obsoles-cence, with new actions that will benefit the road to Roque Vento and the streets of San Fernando, Santa Isabel, Virgen de Guadalupe, El Morro, Camino Coris, Colada, El Horno, La Redonda, El Fisco, San Sebastian, Lavajo, Pheasant and Arboleda, in Cabo Blanco, as well as Amsterdam Avenue in Los Cristianos and Tiguanfaya de Chayofa Street. All this involves an in-vestment of more than 686,000 euros framed in the #Arona-Avanza programme. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, underlined that in recent months there have been more than 20 per-formances in different disricts, which has allowed to renew a “network that was obsolete, outdated and that did not conform to the needs “of the population of Arona. “With this investment we continue to renew the supply network of our municipality, which is not only obsolete and with outdated materials, many of them made of fibre cement, but also does not meet the real needs of the population and that cause, among others, loss of pressure,” he said. “In addition to all this, the network breaks down fre-quently, causing problems for residents. For this reason, with this package of works, which we will award in the coming weeks, we will resolve many inconveniences in a service that is fundamental and basic for residents and tourists,” “With each of these actions, we lay the foundations of the Arona of the future, with quality services that seek excellence”. The renovation and re-placement of the supply network will take five months.
Massive boost for sport and grassroots football
CD Tenerife and the island’s Cabildo intend to invest 12 million euros in the Sports City of Tenerife Javier Pérez. The agreement includes a programme of promotion of sports for groups with disabilities, elderly, women and people at risk of social exclusion. Cabildo president, Carlos Alonso and the Club Deportivo Tenerife, Miguel Concepción signed an agreement to make improvements to the Sports City of Tenerife Javier Pérez, located in the area of Geneto-Los Baldíos, in the municipality of La Laguna. The works, which will be executed by the club, have a budget of 12 million euros, of which nine million will be contributed by the Cabildo. The works will be carried out in two phases. The first one is scheduled to start in October of this year and will last for 12 months, while the second phase is scheduled to begin in July 2019. The forecast is that the works will be completed by the end of 2021. The works contemplate the construction of a multi-functional service building, whose lower part will have a grandstand for 500 people, a grandstand with capacity for some 1,700 people, the construction of a residence with 40 seats, changing rooms and the improvement of the distribution system of the water supply for irrigation of fields and various associated infrastructures. Likewise, the club will develop a programme of Promotion of Sport that includes a set of sports and training activities aimed at the entire Tenerife community. Carlos Alonso said that “this is an historic day for Tenerife because this project will also serve to promote sports among children and young people. We are talking about works that will benefit all of society, especially grassroots football, but will also reach out to groups of adults, people with disabilities and which also includes a special focus on women’s football. This line is part of the Tenerife 2030 strategy of the Cabildo to improve the training of young people and encourage healthy living habits among the population. We must not forget that sport is the best tool for transmitting values and is a key element for us.” Sr. Alonso had words of thanks for the Sports Minister, Cristo Perez, and the general director of the club, Pedro Rodríguez Zaragoza “who have worked hard to carry it out. The project had suffered some delay but thanks to them, was going ahead”. Miguel Concepción thanked the Cabildo and its president for their help “to carry out a necessary project for CD Tenerife and for Tenerife. Here we all win, the club, the island and the base sport because they will be unique facilities for our children. From now on, the island will have the facilities it deserves.” The project was detailed by the architect, Máximo Javier Trujillo, who explained the phases of the work and the construction elements that will be carried out in the Sports City of Tenerife Javier Pérez. This infrastructure currently con-sists of four football fields – two of natural grass and two of artificial turf – and is the main engine of grassroots football on the island. CD Tenerife will develop the Sports Promotion programme, which includes a set of sports and training activities led by technical and supervised personnel for the promotion of sports and training, aimed at the entire Tenerife community and especially in the football field. The objective of this program is the realization of an island project for the improvement of grassroots football, by working in common with the clubs of the island and the creation of various permanent training classrooms that promote the recycling and training of coaches, referees and other technicians and agents linked to football and other sports and activities at the island level. In the same way, it is about promoting research among the different pro-fessionals in the grassroots area.
Adeje to celebrate 25th soccer tournament
The Villa de Adeje municipal football camp will be held on August 24th and 25th. “The football tournament is held in August to give priority to local teams, who can use it as a springboard to catapult into professional football. This year we will have a special agenda for turning 25 years, which we will be revealing progressively, “explained councillor for sports, Adolfo Alonso Ferrera. Jaimel Okoronwo Alonso, player of the Alevín of the Municipal School of Soccer of the Villa de Adeje, was in charge of extracting the ballots of the draw, which had as head of series the Sports Club Tenerife (group A) and the Sports Union Las Palmas ( B Group). Group A was made up of the Tenerife Sports Club, followed by the Adeje National Team and the Laguna Sports Club. Group B is headed by the U.D Las Palmas, in addition to the South Selection and athletico Madrid. Interested persons can acquire a pass for the two days of meetings. This is five euros, which can be purchased at the same box office in the field. In the case of wanting to attend a single day, the cost of entry will be three euros per person. Children are free. Matches Friday, August 24 Group A: C.D. Tenerife – Selection of Adeje – C.D. Laguna 1st 17: 00h C.D.Tenerife – C.D. Laguna 2nd 18: 00h Selection of Adeje – Loser first match 3rd 19: 00h Selection of Adeje – Winner first match Group B: U.D. Las Palmas – South Selection – Club Atlético de Madrid 1st 20: 00h U.D. Las Palmas – Club Atlético de Madrid 2nd 21: 00h Tenerife South Selection – Loser first match 3rd 22: 00h Tenerife South Selection – First match winner Saturday, August 25 1st 18: 00h 3rd and 4th Place 2º 20: 00h FINAL
Surfer crashes into rocks
A surfer was injured when he crashed into rocks in La Palma. The 43-year-old man had to be rescued by the emergency helicopter following the accident on the beach of Callejoncito in Llano Negro, within the municipality of Garafía. Medics with the Canary Emergency Service were also called out. The GES helicopter located and rescued the wounded man who was transferred to the heli-surface of the General Hospital of La Palma. His injuries were not life-threatening.
Gust of wind causes accident
A paraglider was injured after suffering a fall when taking off in Tenerife The accident happened on the TF 21 at the height of Las Cañadas del Teide in the municipality of La Orotava. The 36-year-old man hurt one of his legs and was transferred by ambulance to hospital. The 112 service said he was blown off course due to a sudden gust of wind. His injury was described as moderate.
Granadilla offers new hiking programme
If you like to enjoy nature and walking, the Department of Youth and Citizen Participation of Granadilla de Abona council is organising a hiking programme. Called ‘Senderiza -t ‘, it will take you through different points of the island geography from September to December. The registration period to participate in the first route is already open and is scheduled to be held on September 8th at the place known as ‘Las Vueltas de Taganana’. The second route is on September 29th to the Pico del Inglés; the second is on October 28th at the ramblas of Castro and San Pedro; the fourth is November 11th for the tajinastes in bloom and the last one is from Adeje-Ifonche. Places are limited and registration can be done online or through the offices of the Citizen Service (SAC). The price per person is ten euros, which includes guides, transportation and insurance. The activity schedule is from 7am to 7pm approximately.
New cultural space one step nearer
Puerto de la Cruz council has taken one step nearer to creating the San Francisco Park cultural space. Following two months of public consultation, during which only two observations were raised, the plenary session of the authority unanimously approved the detailed study of the project. The conversion will involve the entire block in which the San Francisco Park is located , the church and the adjoining chapel. The construction of the new San Francisco Park is within the actions of the Modernisation and Improvement Plan of Puerto de la Cruz of the Urban Development Consortium for the Rehabilitation of the municipality, being also one of the most demanded actions by local residents. It is planned to create a multifunctional place, so that it is used as a scenic space for musical events, congresses, meetings, etc.
Ashotel in talks to determine pay rises in 2019
The hotel and extra-hotel association of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, Ashotel, is already in talks over the salary increase of the last year of validity of the current collective agreement 2015-2019. The negotiating table, gathered in FIT Canarias, Adeje, is composed of 30 members (15 business and 15 union) and is the competent body to negotiate the provincial hospitality agreements that regulate the rights and duties of both parties. From this moment on, the parties will meet from meeting to meeting to close an agreement as soon as possible. Of the 15 business representatives, Ashotel has nine. The rest are divided between the Federation of Catering, Leisure, Services and Commerce (Fecao), the Business Federation of Services of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Provincial Business Association of Restaurants, Cafes, Bars and similar of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Aepreca), the Hotel Entrepreneurs Association of Tenerife (AEHT) and the Canarian Association of Lei-sure and Restaurant Companies (Aceor), which together represent the interests of hotel and restaurant entrepreneurs, of leisure and tourism in the province. “Ashotel has shown in the last 20 years its interest in contributing to labour peace in the sector, a circumstance that is repeated on this occasion as its main objective,” said a spokesman. The current agreement, effective as of July 1, 2015, has allowed salary increases of 1.75% (2015-2016), 1.50% (2016-2017) and 1.25% (2017-2018), which total a total of 4.5% increase to date. In the last five years, the hotel sector in the Canary Islands has created 15,700 jobs, which represents an increase of 30%, according to data corresponding to the first quarter of 2013 and 2018 of the Canary Institute of Statistics. In the case of Tenerife, there are 5,200 more jobs, an increase of 26%. In total, just over 68,000 people work in hotels and apartments in the islands, 24,700 in Tenerife.
Santa Cruz full of excitement for Women’s Basketball World Cup
The Women’s Basketball World Cup is being hailed as one of the biggest sporting events to be hosted by Santa Cruz. The Mayor, José Manuel Bermúdez, met with the president of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), Jorge Garbajosa to discuss the impact of the tournament to be held in the capital in September. The president of the Canarian Basketball Federation, Manuel Gómez, also participated in the meeting. Sr. Bermudez said that this meeting “ratifies the commitment of Santa Cruz with the FEB and FIBA for the realisation of this Women’s Basketball World Cup in our capital. Without a doubt, it is the largest international sporting event that we have had here in recent years and, in addition, it has served as an incentive to remodel the Quico Cabrera Pavilion and leave it practically as new after the process of integral reform that is being carried out.” “I am sure,” continued the Mayor, “that the spectators will immediately notice the changes that have been introduced in this sports facility. The best thing is that the Women’s Basketball World Cup is taking place and it will be a great success, but the investment we have made in the Quico Cabrera will leave us a pavilion to be able to enjoy it for the next 30 years. “ Sr. Garbajosa confirmed that the works being developed in the Quico Cabrera Municipal Pavilion “are going better than expected.” He referred to the great expectation that there is already in the city in the run-up to the world competition. He said the commitment of the Mayor was another reason to confirm the choice a year ago of Santa Cruz as headquarters “and this was a just and correct decision.”
Arrecife reveals new-look with water walks and giant “green lung”
Plans have been unviled to convert Arrecife in Lanza-rote into “an authentic capital of the biosphere reserve”. The urban planning and green infrastructure project promoted by the island’s Cabildo and local council, first suggested in 2016, was offi-cially presented by president, Pedro San Ginés. He was joined by tourist councillor and president of the Water Consortium of Lanza-rote, Echedey Eugenio, Arre-cife’s mobility councillor, Inodelvia Torres and town planner and technical director of the project, Juan Palop Casado. “Arrecife, capital of the Biosphere” is part of the proposal to create four ‘Water Walks’ which would connect the upper and lower parts of the city . The draft also includes safe school roads stemming from these water walks which will connect educational centres. “The layout of these walks coincides with the old storm drains, then collected in ditches and reservoirs that could be rehabilitated as part of this new infrastructure and green lung for Arrecife,” said Pedro San Ginés. The project also envisages the use of water tanks to collect water for irrigating the landscape and to help alleviate flooding during periods of heavy rain. The Cabildo president said the water walks would be like large boulevards. He described the project as of huge importance, with the Cabildo relying on funding from the Government of the Canary Islands which had already contributed three million euros. He also revealed they were evaluating the possible acquisition of a large plot, specifically the one known as the Mill of Cabo Pedro, to execute a big lung and green infrastructure for the capital. Sr. Gines admitted the whole project was very ambitious and would need further funding, including from European funds and the Water Consortium. The architect Juan Palop Casado said the preliminary project could be finished by the end of the year and this “exciting project for Arrecife” could see light from 2019. However, it was hoped to implement some of the ideas in the short to medium term with new street furniture, wifi etc. Regarding the proposal to create the so-called ‘Water Walks’, the architect and technical director of the project explained that it is “an innovative and integrating project from the urban point of view that aims to link the neighbourhoods of the capital with the centereand implement a new system of communi-cation and future mobility that facilitates pedestrian mobility and light transport (bicycles, among others) in the city “.
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Union outrage after Titsa bus driver attacked
Union representatives are calling for a “proper protocol” after a Titsa driver was attacked on a bus laid on for a concert in Santa Cruz. They say he was verbally abused and spat at by three individuals during an incident in Candelaria. The Federation of Transport of Inter-Union Canaria has expressed outrage at the “unfortunate” situation suffered by the driver on route 122, Candelaria-Santa Cruz, on the occasion of the concert celebrated in the Plaza de la Patrona. A special service was put on by the company for the musical event. The union claims the buses could not cope with the huge number of people and has criticised safety and lack of forward planning. They say the abused driver called for help but had to wait too long for the police to arrive. By the time they did, the three individuals had escaped with money stolen from the cab. The bus suffered damage and a replacement had to be called in to transfer passengers on board at the time of the incident. Intersindical Canaria wants CCTV cameras put at the disposal of the police and the courts. In addition, it urges Titsa’s management to draw up an effective security protocol to be implemented at public events to prevent anything similar happening again. According to the union, “while this protocol is not completed for the island of Tenerife, the Titsa staff will not work in any event in the interests of the health and safety of the workers of the company and the provision of a better quality public service to citizens.”
Entries open for annual handicraft fair
The registration period for the XXXVII Handicraft Fair of Guía de Isora has now opened. Those interested, with a valid craftsman’s card, may register until August 24th. The Fair will be held on Sunday, September 9th from 9am to 6pm in the framework of the patron saint festivities.The venue will be the Plaza de Guía de Isora. The exhibition is one of the oldest celebrated in the south of Tenerife and has dedicated in recent years monograph sections on some of the craft specialties. In this fair, where 50 exhibitors are usually assembled, a wide variety of handicrafts are displayed and put on sale, among which those related to basketry, Canarian pottery, embossed leather or wood. One of the sections of the fair most requested by the public is the artisan food products, where you can buy cheeses, artisan sweets, jams and liqueurs, among other products of this kind. The quality and novelty of the product, the application of new designs that have a sufficient cultural interest or that are part of the group of craftsmanship in danger of extinction are some of the aspects that the selection committee will value when it comes to choosing the artisans until completing the places available for this XXXVII edition. You can download the requirements and the participation request to fill in the following link:
How to face the decision to say farewell to your beloved cat
Cats do not live as long as humans. Thinking about euthanasia – literally, a “gentle and easy death” – is something that no cat owner likes to dwell on but sadly it is a decision that many cat owners eventually have to face. If you are considering euthanasia of a healthy cat then do not forget that rehoming may be a better option. Ask your vet’s advice – many can help with solving behavioural problems and they have information on rehoming. Is it pain or old age? Always discuss this with your vet. Do not be afraid to visit the vet sooner rather than later. Many of the signs of “old age”, such as arthritis, can be relieved. Your cat’s problems may be treatable and early treatment reduces suffering. Cats do not necessarily show pain by crying or yowling. Assessment of long-term pain can be difficult even for vets, as animals (and people) tend to adapt their behaviour to cope. Sometimes the only way is to try using painkillers (only use those prescribed by a vet) to see if your cat brightens up. Your cat could be in pain if there has been a change in behaviour, a loss of appetite and a reluctance to play or move around, or if your cat is not washing or grooming. It may also be a sign of pain if your cat is restless and cannot seem to get comfortable, is sitting or lying in an abnormal position, seems tense or withdrawn, or has just lost enthusiasm for life. Purring is not a sign of comfort – even cats in extremes of pain will still purr. Always discuss your cat’s symptoms with your vet, as all of these signs can also be caused by problems other than pain. Arriving at the decision to euthanase your cat Talk it over with your vet and your family and friends. Questions to think about include: Can your cat still eat, drink, sleep and move around reasonably comfortably? Does he or she respond to your presence and greet you? Does feeding time attract interest? Persistent and incurable inability to eat, vomiting, signs of pain, distress or discomfort, or difficulty in breathing are all indications that euthanasia should be considered. You and your family know your cat better than anyone else, so try to make a reasoned judgement on quality of life. Your vet will help you with this, and will often make a recommendation. If you are hoping for an improvement in your cat’s condition, setting a time limit may be a sensible option. Sadly, few cats die peacefully in their sleep at home. Most reach a point when their quality of life is unsatisfactory and a decision for euthanasia has to be made. Living with a chronically ill cat can be emotionally (and financially) draining. Often there is a substantial time commitment involved in care. Not every owner is able to cope and, if there is no chance of a recovery and you are unable to give your cat the degree of care needed for a comfortable life, it may be better to opt for euthanasia. With some invalid cats there is the possibility of a sudden and unpredictable deterioration. If you are unable to make arrangements for your cat to receive emergency care (all vets in the UK have to make provision for this) euthanasia may be a better option. What actually happens during euthanasia? Consider taking some time off work to get over the event. Explain the situation to the receptionist when you make the appointment as you can often choose a quiet time for your visit to the surgery. It may be a good idea for a friend or family member to come with you for support. Some vets will agree to make house visits if you prefer. If your cat is already hospitalised, then you can ask to visit and say goodbye if you wish. However, if your cat is under an anaesthetic, it may be kinder to agree to euthanasia without waking him, and perhaps to see him afterwards. The following is a detailed description of the process. Some of the events described may be distressing, but remember that your cat rapidly loses consciousness and cannot feel pain from that point onwards. You will normally need to sign a consent form. Euthanasia is usually carried out by injecting an overdose of anaesthetic into the vein of the front leg, although the injection can be given to other areas of the body as well. Your cat is held by a nurse and a small patch of fur is shaved off. All your cat feels is a tiny prick of the needle – then the injection is painless. Occasionally, a cat may give a small cry as the injection is given – as with all anaesthetics, there is a brief feeling of dizziness as the drug takes effect. Unconsciousness follows within seconds, often before the injection is finished. Death occurs within a couple of minutes when the heart stops beating. It may take a little longer if the animal is very ill or has poor circulation. In these cases, it can sometimes be difficult for the vet to find a vein. If a cat is agitated or restless, then the vet may give a sedative first, but finding a vein can then be more difficult and the injection may work more slowly. In the few […]
Carnival group to be honoured
A street in Santa Cruz is to be named after the Carnival Los Rumberos troupe. The Mayor of the city recently signed the decree of awarding the honour, which will now be communicated to the Plenary Session of the city council. The decree explains that “the troupe Los Rumberos is the dean of the collective in the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and in turn the Canary Islands” and “was the first to create a repertoire based on samba to be enjoyed enjoy through the streets of the Tenerife capital.” Founded by Manuel Monzón and a group of friends of the Mercado Nuestra Señora de África in 1966, it was the following year when this group presented itself with costume, repertoire and flag of their own. “The impact was so great for the people of Tenerife, that new troupes soon emerged from the hand of some of the initial components of Rumberos,” the decree says. The Rumberos was the first comparsa to go abroad, visiting Cádiz, Madrid, Paris, Viareggio (Italy) and Havana (Cuba). The group was the first to win four first consecutive prize in presentation.
Fourth international award for nature classroom’s activities
The same European organisation which grants the Blue Flags to beaches has again officially recognised the “nature classroom” of Los Realejos with an international seal. The European Foundation for Environmental Education has recertified the Rambla de Castro Nature Classroom (ANRC) as a “Blue Centre”’, another of its distinctions, for the fourth consecutive year. The award recognises the clasroom’s annual programme of environmental activities and events, as well as its continuing work to educate the public about the natural landscape and ethnographic wealth of the municipality and the whole of Tenerife. The coordinator of the ANRC, Isidro Baeza said: “This recognition values our constant task in the design and development of an annual programme and certifies that our model is developed in the European and international environmental education.” The Rambla de Castro Nature Classroom is an environmental educational project of the Association for the Promotion of Visual and Performing Arts of Los Realejos (AFAVER), co-funded by Los Realejos council and with scientific advice and collaboration from various organisations. Its headquarters are located in Casona de Castro, in the protected natural area of the same name, from where the activity programme ‘Los Realejos Actúa Verde’ is coordinated. The project is divided into a continuous classroom and an open classroom. The first modality offers educational activity with permanent students of any age interested in the knowledge of the environment, developing for its formation various actions with different thematic external routes through protected spaces. The open and interactive classroom allows the concerted participation of groups, shared activities with other art schools of Los Realejos and offers cross-cutting initiatives with the areas of Tourism, Culture, Sports and Environment., The information on activities and registration form is hosted on the web
New look for access route into Valle Gran Rey
The Cabildo de La Gomera has put out to tender a project for improvement and adaptation of the GM-1 in the access to the municipality of Valle Gran Rey, between the Acardece area and the El Mago roundabout, including access to La Playa in the CV -8. The work has a total investment of 4,414,744.40 euros. President of the Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo, said it would solve problems of security, adequacy of the pavement and other improvements that will facilitate the transit of vehicles and pedestrians through one of the strategic routes of the island. In this regard, he recalled that the works include the rehabilitation and restoration of the pavement, as well as the replacement of the signage, in addition to the construction of walls and gutters in several sections, as well as the sanitation of those that already exist. “This is a project that also includes the adaptation of the areas surrounding the Mirador de Las Retamas in Arure, where a parking space and access to infrastructure will be created, as well as the adaptation of the access to the Arure Tunnel, ” he added. In terms of safety, road councillor, Aníbal González said that the replacement of the barriers that run along the side of the GM-1 to the Casa de La Seda is planned, in addition to the execution of the works to reform the bus stop near the CEIP El Retamal, where a sidewalk of 1.5 metres will be created and railings will be installed to minimise the security problems in this area. “The elimination of architectural barriers along the road to allow the crossing of people with mobility difficulties or who use wheelchairs is another of the measures contemplated by this project,” said the councillor who announced the creation of car parks. for people with reduced mobility at various points of the route.
Police alert over new on-line extortion scam
The National Police are warning of a new criminal form of extortion on-line. Agents specialised in fighting cybercrime have detected a considerable increase in cases of this variety of “sextorsión”, in which criminals send emails that include personal passwords of victims. The email account receives about 100 communications per day on possible cases that are analyed individually. The well-known “sextorsión” is a type of extortion developed in recent years through the internet. It consists in threatening the users with the publication of photos, videos or information about their privacy, obtained without prior consent, and they request an economic amount in exchange for not making it public. The scammers tell their victims that they have obtained the password of their emails or they claim to have installed malware on a pornographic web pages supposedly visited. They are also told that they have obtained personal images or videos after activating their computer’s webcam when they visited those pages. The “extortionists” request payments in bitcoins to different virtual purses so as not to spread the images, having to pay between 400 and 2,900 dollars. The victims have a margin of 24 hours to make the payment indicating that, in case of not doing so, they will spread the videos to their acquaintances. National Police warn that it is really a social engineering campaign. There is no video of the users threatened or malware installed on the web pages allegedly visited, only having as a data of the victims a fraudulently obtained password. Apparently, the password would have been obtained due to massive leaks that occurred years ago on the Internet, which is why the password provided to users, which they claim to have obtained by using malicious software, is nothing other than a password. The National Police say…….. 1. Do not be alarmed or consider the threat as real. 2. Do not make any requested payment. 3. Don’t reply to the mail or received mails or engage in any type of conversation with the “extortionists”. 4. Block and mark as spam the sender of the emails. 5. Distrust any mail that may seem strange and of unknown origin 6. Do not “click” on links of the received mail body. 7. Do not open attachments sent from the received email. 8. Renew the password of email, computer and computer applications regularly and establish strong passwords. 9. Keep the computer equipment updated.
Good sensations in El Médano
There were definitely good sensations in El Medano when an annual gastronomic event proved another huge success. “Sensaciones” offered workshops, exhibitions, local products, tapas, local wines and musical performances in front of the sea. The central square of El Médano was the main venue for the gastronomic festival ‘Sensations, Summer Fla-vours’, organised by Granadilla council’s employment and local development agency in collaboration with the Council Regulator of the Denomination of Origin of Abona. Throughout the day, thousands of people moved to the coast where, from 9am to 2pm, the partners of the farmer’s market, artisans and food companies presented their products. Also present were the projects of Emplea Agrícola and Dinamiza 2017 that are being carried out in the municipality which offered various free workshops. In addition, all the attendees enjoy-ed a workshop and exhibition of recycled art, as well as an interpretative route along the coast. From 6pm., the establish-ments of the municipality offered visitors the best tapas with local products and wines from the DO Abona and Valle de Güímar at the price of one, two or three euros. Once again, the council put on free transport to relieve congestion in El Medano. The day, consolidated as a great culinary and wine festival, was enlivened by musical performances by Sananda, Baby Black Soul and Aparranda2. As in the last edition, there was a photocall for residents and visitors to have a memory of this pleasant gastronomic event.
How long does alcohol stay in your blood?
On average, it takes about one hour for your body to break down one unit of alcohol. However, this can vary, depending on your weight, whether you’re male or female, your age, how quickly or slowly your body turns food into energy (your metabolism), how much food you have eaten, the type and strength of the alcohol and whether you’re taking medication and, if so, what type. It can also take longer if your liver isn’t working normally. How much is one unit? One unit is equivalent to 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol. There are roughly: 2.1 units in a standard glass (175ml) of average-strength wine (12%) 3 units in a large glass (250ml) of average-strength wine (12%) 2 units in a pint of low-strength lager, beer or cider (3.6%) 3 units in a pint of higher-strength lager, beer or cider (5.2%) 1 unit in a single measure of spirits (25ml) Adding up your units If you drink a large (250ml) glass of wine, your body takes about three hours to break down the alcohol. If you drink one pint of beer, your body takes about two hours to break it down. One pint of strong lager is equivalent to three units, so this will take longer. However, this time can vary, depending on the factors mentioned above. If you have a few drinks during a night out, it can take many hours for the alcohol to leave your body. The alcohol could still be in your blood the next day. This means that if you drive the day after an evening of drinking, you could be over the legal alcohol limit. Men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week. Spread your drinking over three days or more if you drink as much as 14 units a week
Dangerous duo caught after spate of robberies
National police have arrested two dangerous criminals for six robberies with violence in Santa Cruz and La Laguna They are aged 41 and 43 and both come from the capital. The duo threatened victims with a large-scale weapon and brandished a firearm which turned out to be simulated. In one of the thefts, one of them forced the door of a driving school in broad daylight and stole more than 1,000 euros. In robberies with violence ,they accessed premises when there were no customers, threatened the sales staff, demanded money from the till or took it and went on the run. While one committed the act, the other remained on the street as a look-out. All these incidents took place in four days. The desire of the criminals was to collect money to pay for their “high consumption of narcotics,” say the police. The pair were caught after police launched a special operation in La Laguna and Santa Cruz.
Children of the 80s adds new artists for 2018
Blackbox, Samantha Fox, Mullett, 2Unlimited and Corona have been confirmed to play at the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife between now and November 10th. ‘Children of the 80’s’ at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife is one of most popular monthly events – bi-monthly in July and August – with hotel guests, island visitors and locals flocking to the hotel’s outdoor concert area to dress up in costumes and reminisce over music from the past. 80s sensation Samantha Fox will be flying in to perform her upbeat, pop-tastic songs like ‘Touch Me’ and ‘I Wanna Have Some Fun’ on August 25th. 80s rock tribute band Mullett will be bringing rock ‘n’ roll to the concert area on September 8th with faithful renditions of 80s classics, as well as staple big hairstyles, and the sights and sounds of the glam band era. The never-ending summer at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife brings 2Unlimited on October 13th, known for their biggest hit ‘No Limit’, while on November 10th, it’s the turn of Corona, whose classic anthem ‘The Rhythm Of The Night’ is set to make the open-air dance floor jump. In addition to the guest artists, each party is supported by DJ trio ‘Dream Team Reload’ and local Canary Island superstars ‘Puretas Party’, as well as dazzling entertainers and 80s costumes. Tickets to ‘Children of the 80’s’ events are priced from 15€ and can be purchased via Guests at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife will have full access to all live events at no extra cost.
Yet more accolades for Gran Canaria’s wines
The wines of Gran Canaria are experiencing boom times and one producer is helping to lead the way. Bodegas Tunte has obtained three meritorious awards in the World Extreme Wine Competition held in Italy, with two Gold Medals for the Oro Blanco and Valara wines and one Silver for Berode, explained the Cabildo’s food councillor, Miguel Hidalgo. This contest is reserved for wines produced in mountain regions or from so-called heroic crops, that is, those grown on terraces or terrains with more than 30 per cent decline, an altitude greater than 500 metres or on small islands . The wines of Gran Canaria, therefore, fall within the requirements of this contest that aims to reward the structural difficulties faced by wine growers to produce wine and highlight the unique characteristics of these products. The wine sector of Gran Canaria is experiencing a prosperous moment due to the efforts of recent years and the increase of last year’s harvest of 160,000 kilos. This bonanza is reflected in the obtaining of outstanding prizes for its wines in international competitions thanks to its quality and the particularity that the climate, its varieties and the volcanic earth give it. With these three new awards, Bodegas Tunte counts on four medals after having obtained for Valara another Silver award at the Muscats du Monde Annual Wine Competition in France. And this year in particular it has been loaded with recognitions, with excellent results for its three wines that have been scored in the International Wine Challenge Contest, the Brussels World Contest, the Lyon International Competition, Bacchus Awards, Wines and Women, Alhóndiga, Agrocanarias and the Insular Tasting of Gran Canaria. The company treasures 29 distinctions to its wines after the process of innovation that began in 2015.
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